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Russia...really? What about our meddling? U.S. doesn’t meddle?
When you see an advertisement for a pizza joint that says their pizza is better than the competition...the ad doesn’t spend your money on...
Only the closed mind is certain...
"Only the closed mind is certain." (Alan Sharp) Have a think on it... Education powers thought. Thoughts generate action. Actions fuel...
Reason itself had become suspect; mutual tolerance was seen as treachery.
“In the vortex of this debate, once the battle lines were sharply drawn, moderate ground everywhere became hostage to the passions of the...
We are the same...
If you start from any other premise that we share more in common than our differences as humans...then you are part of the problem....
The reason there will be no change...
“The reason there will be no change is because the people who stand to lose from change have all the power. And the people who stand to...
We are all made from the same clay...
"The chief has been very generous to us here, and he reminds me, yet again, that we are all made of the same clay." (Lost City of Z,...
When we hate...
"When hate enters the heart of humans there is no wall high enough that will keep evil from destroying a nation… for when hate enters the...
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