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The Emperor Has No Clothes...

Think for yourself...


We are fools to believe that vaccines are completely unnecessary...

And we equally are fools to believe that a vaccine will be our Savior and somehow return life back to "normal" whatever that is where millions die every year from SO MANY OTHER preventable machines of death. That's "normal?"


Why are we pretending the Emperor Has no Clothes...that anything like this has never happened before?

This is not the mother of all pandemics...if the numbers top H1N1--and they haven' still won't be the queen.

Why didn't we do "this" in 2009-2010 when as many as 575,000 (global deaths--CDC statistics) were taken from us?

Not even from the start of this coronavirus no ACTUAL data (what WAS happening--NOT what was predicted) supported the irrational abject panic or draconian government and private industry overreach--which continues in insidious fashion.

If a vaccine for this very particular strain of coronavirus is developed it will help some--but it will not be our Savior.

As there have been coronavirus in the past...there will be more in the future and there is evidence already of mutations of this one.

A vaccine is just a guess...and each year the flu vaccine is just a guess. A good one...steeped in science and historical data...but still a guess.

This is life and life is filled with risk...for some reason Bill Gates and others seem to want us to believe there are no other machines of death (man-made or nature-made) that are preventable...which actually take lives at Contagion (the 2011 movie) level numbers much more than this season of the flu.

Preventable death? THAT'S a conversation worth having and THE conversation we should be having...but people want to get back to "normal" where exponentially more people are dying of other preventable causes of death. Apparently their lives have less value...a lot less. No draconian, unbelievably invasive attempts to save their lives.

A few questions...out of curiosity:

If some have their way and we force a coronavirus (flu) vaccine on billions of people...

Who benefits?

When and where will it stop? The mutations and variants won't.

Why only force a (singular in nature) flu vaccine? What else will "they" force on "us"? What's next? Will it make the world a safer place from death?

When have humans (or animals) never been asymptomatic carries of germs, virus or disease?

When have immune-compromised or immune-deficient humans (all ages) never been vulnerable to known or unknown strains of virus?

When has a strong immune system never favored the odds of protection against germs, virus or disease?

How many lives does the flu take each year? In a bad year and a good year? Look it up.

When has social distancing (stay home if you're symptomatic or sick and send your kids home from school when they are contagious) never been a thing?

When has good hygiene and cleanliness not favored the odds of healthy living?

There are no guarantees from death...even death via flu (which takes hundreds of thousands of lives each and every year).


We are fools to believe that vaccines are completely unnecessary...

And we are fools to believe that a vaccine will be our Savior and somehow return life back to "normal" whatever the living flock that is while millions die every year from SO MANY OTHER preventable machines of death.

It's time to put humpty dumpty back together. There is blame, accountability and liability to be assigned in China and even here in the U.S. (certainly elsewhere as well)...but right now--whatever "this" is, is causing so much more damage than the virus could ever hope to accomplish and is not sustainable from any conceivable perspective.

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