Impulse: Don't give in - think for yourself...

Every second of every day, we are being conditioned to act on impulse...
And so long as it generates cash...everyone celebrates...there is value in impulse...until it is wholly taken advantage of.
So we condition "the public" to act on impulse...and NOT to think.
But when some few humans (within any category) who can't manage or handle their impulses ACT outside tolerable parameters, media and power offer prayers and give press conferences in horror of the "ills we must fix."
But actually fixing the "ills" would shift the flow of cash--the lucrative scheme would start to, after prayers and press conferences we return swiftly and subtly to conditioning the public to conform--to think and act on impulse.
Advertisers don't want you to think--they want you to act on impulse and pull out your credit card or cash.
Advertisers want you to believe that the smiling, laughing people in the picture or commercial 1) must be the happiest they've ever been and 2) are incontrovertible evidence that their product will give you the same rush of dopamine. You will finally have "arrived" at Nirvana...
Advertisers want you to act on impulse--thus the consumer is conditioned.
Politicians and media talking heads don't want you to think--they want you to act on impulse and submit your vote and viewership.
Politicians and media talking heads want you to believe that everything they say is absolute truth--the whole truth. They want you to believe that the "other" side is the root of all evil and further, that ONLY they have the answer. They will promise anything for a vote or ratings (because power grants access to $$ and ratings drive revenue), knowing that tomorrow's bombardment of informational conditioning will most likely erase your memory of today's promises.
It's impossible to keep up with everything--so information overload is a deliberate strategy...just keep screaming.
Politicians and media talking heads want us to act on impulse--it protects them from ever having to provide solutions or share the whole truth--information that might actually arrive at solutions vice perpetuating a persistent State of Hate which only feeds profits and power.
PROBLEM: Cambridge Analytica, Google, Facebook, Twitter etc...
SOLUTION: Cambridge Analytica, Google, Facebook, Twitter etc...
Shift the narrative just 3 degrees towards mutual respect, empathy and compassion.
There is no "other" -- there is only "us."
Something to have a think on...