"Racism" is a false construct...
Worth having a "think" on...
Whether you believe in the Theory of Evolution or the Theory of Intelligent Design...we all (humanity) had a single point of origin.
There wasn't a separate bang or a separate garden for Western Civilization or Eastern or African or Southern...we all share a common "entry point."
In the grand scheme of human priorities...it doesn't really matter if it took a couple billion years or just 8,000 +/- to get to where we are today...none of us were there in the beginning...and both require some measure of faith regardless of the science--because science on both sides claims truth...so back to some measure of faith...and a single entry point for mankind.
HYPOTHESIS: There is only one human race.
We share many differences...but we are all of the human race.
CONCLUSION: Racism is a false construct.
Skin color is just ONE excuse that humans have used in the past and still use today to hate and suppress or harm the "other" for personal gain.
And skin color most certainly isn't the only excuse that humans have used in the past and still use today to hate and suppress or harm the "other" for personal gain.
Hate-ism knows no boundary--no single label...hate is the same in every color and every conceivable label...
Education powers thought - stop -
Thoughts generate action - stop -
Actions fuel the planet...for better or for worse - stop -
What if it just started raining?!
The Kambimbi (African Rain Bird) is a global brand for peace building and conflict prevention.