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Tale of two playgrounds...


50 children.


All on the same playground…

A bully will emerge…or more than one…

Emotions of hate & envy will motivate negative actions…

Emotions of kindness will motivate positive actions…

Emotions of forgiveness will motivate reconciliation in some willing cases…

Games will be played. Feelings will get hurt. Leaders will emerge. Followers will follow.

A microcosm of life…the rest-of-adult life that is yet to come for these unsuspecting children…

It (life) isn’t easy…

Isn’t always fair…

Sometimes life goes your way…

Sometimes it doesn’t…

Sometimes bad things happen to good people…and you have to adjust…or drown in self-sorrow…

Good things happen to bad people…sometimes…and you have to adjust…or drown in self-sorrow…

But tomorrow still comes and it is the ability to make independent decisions

and choices, accept responsibility to change what you can control and reconcile

what you can’t, that is one of the greatest gifts a child can discover (or be given).


50 children.

Not homogeneous…

Different origins, different languages spoken at home and different skin colors…

Life happens for the second playground same as it does for the first…

And now we call it racism?!


For those who believe in the Theory of Intelligent Design:

There was not a separate Garden of Eden for humanity in the Far East.

For those who believe in the Theory of Evolution:

There was not a separate bang for humanity on the continent of Africa.

Regardless of your belief structure about the origin of man…we all came from a single entry point.

There is only one human race.

Racism is a false construct.

Good & evil are the same on any playground whether children all have the same color of skin or there is a mix of children with many different colors of skin.

Good & evil are the same on any playground whether children all attend the same church, or they practice many different religions (or none at all).

Hate-ism doesn’t care about all the labels humans use as EXCUSES to conduct themselves in horrible, awful, unthinkable ways.

Stop. Think. Change.


Education powers thought.

Thoughts generate action.

Actions fuel the planet...for better or for worse.


What if it just started raining?!

The Kambimbi (African Rain Bird) is a global brand for peace building and conflict prevention.

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