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The scourge of slavery...

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I weary from hearing people scream nothing but "hate" at this country (the United States of America)...

I weary from hearing people on all sides of the political aisle "cry foul" on account of so many issues but ONLY in very select fashion for just the part of the issue that feeds their narrative.

"Let 'the people' have just enough of the truth to justify the lie that feeds my agenda..."

Damn the truth...

I weary from hearing and reading half truths and social media profanities screamed in both directions...all claiming 100% market share on the truth...

And most people don't even know the person they are screaming at...

Most don't even seek any measure of clarification for what is actually meant by what is communicated...

Most just scream...because it makes them feel good...or feeds their ego...

I weary from the use of skin color, religion, gender, tribe, politics, sexual preference, language etc... as excuses to justify hate-ism...and this hate-ism used as an excuse to conduct horrific acts of violence against humanity...

Education powers thought.

Thoughts generate action.

Actions fuel the planet...for better or for worse.

Many in "special interest" groups of all different flavors don't want the whole truth "out there" because the truth waters down their deflates their emotional euphoria...or even worse, might erode their base of power and lucrative streams of income...

In regards to just one of many issues where the truth is hidden, abused, sheltered and shades thereof used to the advantage of all sides...

The scourge of slavery...

No doubt it is a blight upon mankind...there is no justification for the evils of slavery...and no one should ever try...

This is not our (United States) country's only sin...

Don't pretend that it is...

Nor is it the only sin of humanity on any other continent...

Don't pretend that it is...

Regretfully, modern day slavery is alive and thriving...

But if we can only see the hate, can only see the flaws, can only see the injustices of the past and present...

Then we'll never make it to the future...

Everyone is guilty and no one is without sin....

The roots of slavery far precede the slavery of the American south...

Where is the outrage at this injustice?

The selling of slaves to the Arab man and to the white man and to others often by humans with the same color of skin was also perpetuated by much of the same hate-ism upon which some Arabs and some Americans justified this evil...just rather than skin color--it was tribe...

Where is the outrage at this injustice?

History bears many more than just these following the research...find out for yourself...

FACT: The first reference to slaves appears in the Code of Hammurabi that dates to 1754 B.C. in Mesopotamia...which modern day - the Middle East.

Where is the outrage at this injustice?

FACT: The Middle East does not contain sugar plantations of the Caribbean Islands, shipyards of the United Kingdom nor the cotton or tobacco farms of the American South.

Where is the outrage at this injustice?

FACT: From about 1600 to 1850, some 4.5 million enslaved Africans were taken to Brazil; this was estimated at 38-40% of the entire number of Africans who were transported to all of the Caribbean and North America combined.

Where is the outrage at this injustice?

FACT: Before hate-ism encouraged racism in the "New World"...Anthony Johnson (1600-1670), a black Angolan earned his freedom following a service of became among the first property and slave owners in the Colony of Virginia.

Where is the outrage at this injustice?

FACT: Today (in the 21st Century), with the exception of Nigeria, the largest population of people of African descent is in Brazil.

Where is the outrage at this injustice?

FACT: In this century, the year 2017...more than 18 million people, or 1.4% of India's population, live in slavery.

Where is the outrage at this injustice?

The root of this evil is hate & greed...

America -- nor any other country -- is not perfect nor will it ever be...

Of course we should be better and always must seek to improve...

America is great however--precisely because we disagree...

America is great however--in spite of her flaws and imperfections...

The thousands who continue to seek refuge here are testament to her greatness...and that it must be much worse "out there"...

No country and no individual is perfect...

Hate is a heavy burden to carry...and the longer one carries hate...the heavier it gets...

And hate-ism is tearing humanity apart like perhaps never before...

What if it just started raining? Is the most important question no one is asking today...


The Kambimbi (African Rain Bird) is a global brand for peace building and conflict prevention.

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