Just don't give "them" permission...

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
(Anna Eleanor Roosevelt)
An alternative perspective perhaps...
Something to have a think on...
Words only have meaning...if you let them...
For better or for worse...words only have power if you give them power...
Bullies are weak...
Bullies are cowards...
Bullies are stupid...
Bullies are human...
Bullies are often deeply troubled and hurting inside...
Nothing justifies a bully's actions or words.
Bullies seek meaning and self-affirmation in a really twisted way...and ironically, they will also be the first to cry "foul" as soon as someone attempts to speak or act (or both) to them in the same way they feel justified in dishing it out...
Pride and ego are a terrible thing...especially when we feel justified in doing or saying something to someone else that we would be horrified if they even dared to try doing or saying to us.
It's pretty silly - really...
It's quite immature - really...
So if a bully speaks but no one listens...no power...
And if a bully shoves, but everyone just walks away...no power...
They will get what's coming to them...if not sooner than later...
Online or in person doesn't matter...
No reaction...no power...
Who cares anyway? Really...who cares?
Why give any of "them" power of you?
Go find some different friends...
Easier said than done you say?
Just do it--so says Nike!!
Taking that first step in a different direction -- while more challenging for some than others -- is all you have to do...
But for the love of Old Man Winter...just do it!!
Problem is, humans are way too concerned about what others think...
If "image" is everything...that's an ugly world...a box all dressed up with nothing inside--empty...
If "perception" and "feelings" are everything...that's an ugly world..a box all dressed up with nothing inside--empty...
If you can have your feelings--then so can they...and if not then who died and made you Ruler on Game of Thrones?
What does it accomplish?
In the end...nothing...
We need words...good words...
We also need instructional and constructive words...
But when someone with ill intent uses words in a negative fashion just to tear you down or make you feel bad...why give them the power?
There are nearly 7 billion people on the planet...so why let the words of one person (or even just a few) become any flavor of foundational opinion regards how you see yourself?
We are who we are--good, bad, and the ugly...every one of us. Without exception.
Accept yourself for what and who you are...and be OK with that...
Accept yourself for what and who you are not...and be OK with that...
Pretending that you are or want to be something that you are not--while a common human struggle--leads to no good end...ever...
Words...use them wisely...
Words...don't give them unnecessary power.
In a world that seeks to condition and turn you into everything BUT who you are...and really doesn't care anything about you--just wants your money...and your attention...and your consumption...
BE (and like) YOURSELF!
Education powers thought.
Thoughts generate action.
Actions fuel the planet...for better or for worse.
What if it just started raining?!
The Kambimbi (African Rain Bird) is a global brand for peace building and conflict prevention.